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Astrid Harris, life-coach and author of Unstoppable Confidence: A Life-Changing Workbook, provides specific strategies to overcome shyness, develop confidence, self-esteem and assertiveness for success in any life situation. She will offer a 30 minute coaching session to one person who purchases her book from Barnes and Noble on Thursday, May 27, 2010

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Astrid Harris, Author of Unstoppable Confidence, To Offer Coaching Session As Premium For Purchase Of Book On Thursday, May 27, 2010

Astrid Harris, life-coach and author of Unstoppable Confidence: A Life-Changing Workbook provides specific strategies to overcome shyness, develop confidence, self-esteem and assertiveness for success in any life situation. She will offer a 30 minute coaching session to one person who purchases her book from the Barnes and Noble website on Thursday, May 27, 2010

[May 25, 2010 Dallas TX] 
Unstoppable Confidence: A Life-Changing Workbook was written by life-coach and author Astrid Harris. Ms. Harris will offer a 30 minute coaching session to one person who purchases her book from Barnes and Noble on Thursday, May 27. Ms. Harris is in the running to achieve best seller status on that date. The coaching session, valued at $99, will be offered as a premium for the purchase of the book. The winner will be chosen from those who purchase the book from the Barnes and Noble website on May 27.

"In today’s economy," stated Ms. Harris, "so many people are concerned about keeping their jobs or finding new ones. Others are worried about losing their homes and their life-savings. Each of these common concerns can be a powerful adversary that can beat down someone’s self-confidence and self esteem. After several years of economic turbulence, many find it harder and harder to stay self-confident. The difference between those who succeed and those who do not is confidence.”

Unstoppable Confidence provides six breakthrough steps to help build self-confidence using case studies, exercises, assignments and empowering techniques. With Unstoppable Confidence, readers will find everything they need to succeed and the results can be phenomenal. "This workbook," stated Ms. Harris, "is like having your own affordable personal self-confidence coach. Sales of the book have been wonderful, putting me in a position to achieve best seller status on May 27. Anyone who purchases the book from Barnes and Noble on that date  will be entered into a drawing to win the 30 minute coaching session. The winner will be notified by email by May 30."

Unstoppable Confidence is available in both hardcover and e-book formats at the author’s website and at Barnes and Noble at Ms. Harris is available for interview. She can be reached by using the information below or by email at

Unstoppable Confidence
Astrid Harris
ISBN: 9781432738556


Astrid Harris was born, raised and educated in Europe, studying law. As a successful life coach and motivator, Astrid Harris has a unique ability to help people break through barriers that limit their self-confidence in order to lead the life they dream.


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Astrid Harris was born, raised and educated in Europe, studying law. As a successful life coach and motivator, Astrid Harris has a unique ability to help people break through barriers that limit their self-confidence in order to lead the life they dream.

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