Canadian Indie Romantic Fiction Author Rusty Blackwood Announces TV Interviews, Upcoming Events In Ontario Canada Area

Blackwood's latest 5 star romance novel, 'Willow’s Walk', follows 'Passions In Paris', a romantic fiction novel written in the tradition of Bram Stoker's 'Dracula' and 'What Dreams May Come'


rusty blackwood headshot

Romantic fiction author Rusty Blackwood

[Wilmington, NC, April 20, 2016 ] Canadian Indie romantic fiction author Rusty Blackwood has announced a series of upcoming events throughout the Niagara area.

On April 25th in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Blackwood will be interviewed on the Cogeco TV program, 'What's New' with Carrie Zeffiro. On April 29th she will tape a segment of The Joe Show Live at his studio in Port Colborne, Ontario.

On April 30th she will be taking part in Authors for Indies Day (this is an International event held yearly with multiple authors and bookstores taking part) at R&B Novel Teas, 4400 Queen Street, Niagara Falls, Ontario where she is scheduled to read at 2 pm.

Blackwood will also be the guest author for the Niagara on the Lake Writers’ Circle on May 8th, 2016. The two-hour event is scheduled to begin at 2 pm.

As stated on the group's site, the goals of the organization are:

To share information
Inspire each other from our successes
Support and encourage each other when we are feeling frustrated or our work has been rejected
Challenge each other to meet writing goals
Provide opportunities to continue learning and growing as a writer
Create opportunities to share our writing with others

Other upcoming events include:

May 14, 2016 Book signing for both Willow’s Walk and Passions in Paris at Chapters in Ancaster, Ontario from 1- 4 pm.

May 28, 2016 Book signing for Willow’s Walk at Seaway Mall Coles in Welland, Ontario from 1- 4:30 pm.

“I must say how grateful I am to have the amount of events that are presently lined up,” states Miss Blackwood, further adding, “I have waited a long time, and worked very hard toward gaining recognition as an author, as well as recognition for the titles I have written. The road of a self-published author is not as easy as some might think; it demands both endurance and self-discipline in areas where it can be very easy to give up. But like Willow, I refuse to knuckle under to pressure, back away from demands, or be deterred from my goal. I love to write, and I am extremely proud of what I have achieved thus far.”

Blackwood's latest romantic fiction novel, 'Willow's Walk', follows the release of 'Passions in Paris: Revelations of a Lost Diary'. Her first romantic fiction novel is a sweeping saga written in the tradition of Bram Stoker's 'Dracula' and 'What Dreams May Come'. It has been compared to Erich Segal's 'Love Story' and Nicholas Sparks' 'The Notebook'.



Willow's Walk' is a gripping new tale, certain to hold readers captive from the very first page. Set in the beautiful city of Ottawa, Canada in 2003, this touching story centers on the life and times of a woman determined to prevail at all costs, regardless of what is set before her, the result of which is certain to leave the reader reeling in its wake.

The path each person walks is entirely their own. The pitfalls along that path, as well as the way in which they are dealt with are entirely up to the individual. But Willow Sutherland-Crosby walks a far-different path, and with her own agenda.

Abuse, deception, intrigue, and a never ending quest for happiness and love - will she find these, or will her blind determination be her downfall?

'Willow's Walk' has received a number of 5 star reviews from professional reviewers. Maria Beltran stated, "I highly recommend this book." Gisela Dixon said, “I thoroughly enjoyed reading about the life of a person presented in such a wonderful manner." Another said, "Brutally honest. I was touched by the bittersweet conclusion that sometimes purpose and happiness are only found through great tragedy ..."

'Passions in Paris' has also received rave reviews. Linkk Kula Kane said, "Passions in Paris I think stands its ground with these other powerful romantic stories like 'The Notebook' by Nicolas Sparks." Reader Fred Pifer stated that “'Passions', is a fascinating book of a love story that seemed to be written with me in mind. In the book 'Love Story' by Erich Segal, he told of a deep abiding love story that reminds me of Cullen and Joy’s in Ms. Blackwood’s book, but the twists of intrigue and mystery that she adds keeps the reader on edge throughout."

Rusty Blackwood will be filming an installment of "What's New" for Cogeco TV, which centers on happenings and people in the Niagara area on April 25, 2016. Show dates will be announced at a later time.

Information on the new romantic fiction release, including a new book trailer, is available at Blackwood's site on the 'Willow' page. Readers can download paperback and Kindle versions of both books at Amazon sites worldwide, including

Rusty Blackwood is available for interview in the Toronto and Niagara areas and can be reached using the information below or by email at More information is available at her website at


Rusty Blackwood is a prolific Indie author of romantic fiction, short story comedies, contemporary and traditional poetry and children's books. Her first love is romantic fiction, but she crosses genres with ease.


Rusty Blackwood